Thursday, January 13, 2011

That is better be drunk than old....

.... the words of the song and true :D
Whereas  I did´ t have much time for photographing outfits these days, here's a post
 for inspiration from a video spot.  
Even the photos in the video spot  are from 80s there are still very interesting outfits. I like very much this group  theirs  musick and looks. They always inspire me . Old groups are the best ! So check it out!


  1. I love this song! It's my native language ;)
    Hey, thank you for visiting my blog and for following, I'm definitely following you back.


  2. really ? thats great! I come from Croatia and you?

  3. Cool! I was born in Bosnia. But I was 3 when we left to live in Germany...I have been in the US for 11 years now. Neznam bas dobro da pricam, ali razumijem bolje ;)
    Which part of Croatia?


  4. ja sam iz Splita ( Dalmacija) ali nezivim tamo, dolazim samo preko lita u Hrvatsku, inace zivim u Slovackoj i momentalno se selim u London. Uvjek mi je drago upoznat ljude iz Ex-Yugoslavie. So nice to meet you:)

    I am from Split but I don´t live there. I go to Croatia only for summer holiday. I live in Slovakia now but I am going to move to London soon. I always like to meet people from Ex-Yugoslavia. So nice to meet you:)
